
Interested in exploring collaboration – including bespoke research – with the team that brings you The Living Library?

If so, please reach out to us at [email protected]

The Living Library is a resource of the GovLab, a global action research center hosted at New York University. Leveraging in-house experts and an unparalleled network of researchers and practitioners, we seek to provide rigorous yet actionable knowledge to our partners – including policymakers, donors, practitioners, and civil society – on how to change the way we solve public problems or design public services using new methods and

We work across fields and sectors, breaking apart silos, and have decades of
experience in designing and implementing research projects around the world – on topics ranging from the impact of open government data to the potential value of blockchain for identity management to the use of social media data for public good, among many others.

Whether you are a public agency, philanthropy, small business, or international NGO, we are eager to support you in your research needs.